Sunday, February 3, 2019

Week 21: Film Prepping

Listed below is some things I prepared this week in regards to my film opening:

Actors: I will use some of my friends from school and out of school. We will have to come up with a time to get us all at the same place at the same time. I will probably have to bribe my four friends with chips. 
Costumes: We aren't going to wear anything outlandish, but we will stick to causal wear based on our location. 
Props: I am going to run to Walmart for actual flashlights other than that I will get Kool-Aid or something for artificial blood. 
Locations: I haven't fully committed on locations, but I was thinking down my street and the beach. 
Dates and times: I am think in the next weeks since we will be together due to our upcoming birthday celebrations.
Scripts: Working on my script right now, will finalize the script in the next week.
Film equipment: Film equipment includes my canon camera, and will need a tripod or a stabilizer. 

CCR: I Was There