Monday, September 24, 2018

Week 5/6: Five Master Shots

Five Master Shots:

I created my Master Shots with Laura. We created several different shots that display various versions each Master Shots. 

Our first shot was contrast. We shot Laura drinking water from a bottle, and Mickey drinking coffee. This is is contrasting views because the substances in their cups/bottles, but contrasting shots of two people.

The second shot was of various shots of Laura and I walking throughout the halls of Lely High. This shot of parallelism was inspired by the Breakfast Club where the group of kids are roaming the halls trying not to get caught from their teacher. This was the most fun to film for me and I had a great time running away from Laura. 

The third shot is symbolism. This symbolism shot was of me reading a book titled Witch Dreams. Then of me preceding to fall asleep. This displayed symbolism because of the irony of Witch Dreams and falling literally unconscious. 

The fourth shot was leitmotif of Laura and I being gymnast. They are happening consecutively. 

The fifth show was simultaneity which showed the contrast between the classroom working diligently and about the same time Laura's dog Kota sleeping soundly. 


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