Sunday, October 14, 2018

Week 8/9: Five Master Shots w/ Sounds

Five Master Sounds:

Laura and I added sound which was a very interesting process. We added music to bridge between the scenes we throughout our little clip. Adding this was an example of non-diegetic sound. This is important because it was bringing the sound together. We also added music to contrast between Laura and Mickey drinking water and coffee with rock music and birds chirping. The scene where I am sleeping and read "Witch Dreams" and I am saying my thoughts out loud and falling asleep. With the parallelism the sound reminded me of the scene that this was inspired by the Breakfast Club. The leitmotif is was a fun one with the examples of Hey Jude playing in the background. This is significant because it showed the fun we were having. Lastly, the scene with Laura dog and the classroom showed the voiceover and post synchronization dubbing.

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