Sunday, March 31, 2019

Final Cut: I Was There

Through the last couple of months, I have been working on this film opening. A bittersweet moment when it comes to an end.

Through my peer critics, I have made some changes to my opening and many stated that the audio was hard to hear and often distracting which made it hard to hear. I adjusted the audio and tried to isolate my voiceover. I decided not to change the photo quality due to the fact that as "vlogger" it wouldn't be dark and takes away from the irony of my opening. Attached below is my opening.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Editing Week One

Due , to my change in idea of where I wanted my film to go I haven’t started to edit yet.

However, I started to gather some suspenseful music, and gathering all my files together to have a start prepping with my opening edits.

Fliming Week 2

This week I recruited Berzinie to help me film my opening. I sort of changed my idea for my opening . I wanted protagonists to be influencers who were getting stocked constantly. So, Berzinie and I started filming little snippets.

Fliming Week One

I was acting in my film as one of my friends was filming me on my computer.

During that week I was filming a over the shoulder shot and a picture of me taking a shot of me typing. These shots are of me trying to get a cool shot of me typing 

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Week 21: Film Prepping

Listed below is some things I prepared this week in regards to my film opening:

Actors: I will use some of my friends from school and out of school. We will have to come up with a time to get us all at the same place at the same time. I will probably have to bribe my four friends with chips. 
Costumes: We aren't going to wear anything outlandish, but we will stick to causal wear based on our location. 
Props: I am going to run to Walmart for actual flashlights other than that I will get Kool-Aid or something for artificial blood. 
Locations: I haven't fully committed on locations, but I was thinking down my street and the beach. 
Dates and times: I am think in the next weeks since we will be together due to our upcoming birthday celebrations.
Scripts: Working on my script right now, will finalize the script in the next week.
Film equipment: Film equipment includes my canon camera, and will need a tripod or a stabilizer. 

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Week 20: Storyboard

As I was jotting down ideas for my storyboard, I realized that I had to use up my environment. The stormy weather outside inspired me to start my storyboard of a suspense/ thriller film in our greatest treasure here in SouthWest Florida, our beaches. Since I am working on my own, I will be utilizing some friends of mine to help me film this film opening. I couldn't think of a more ironic way to start a suspense then at a bright and sunny beach. So, that is how my storyboard begins. I am not one hundred percent sold on the details of my story board, but I have an outline of what I want to do shown in the photo above. It flows because it shows a progression of events throughout the beach day and the protagonist's friend's thoughts. I created my storyboard by attempting to place my mess thoughts on a storyboard.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Week 18: Film Inspiration

I chose the thriller genre because this genre has intrigued me. I first chose a comedy; however, I realized that I wasn’t the most entertaining person. I look for countless of hours for several genres that I would like to work on for mouth. The deadline and I had to choose. Which is very...extremely difficult for a very indecisive person. I quickly crossed out a romance, because there was no prince or romantic love interest, that crossed out chick flicks. I landed on animated films, but I am not Van Gogh. Then, action as I thought of superheros and Spandex and I are like oil and water. I landed on Thriller/ Suspense, I researched it quickly vetting my pros and cons. I peruse through the lost of genres and read every description. Then, read a Google definition: Thriller is a broad genre of literature, film and television, having numerous, often overlapping subgenres. Thrillers are characterized and defined by the moods they elicit, giving viewers heightened feelings of suspense, excitement, surprise, anticipation and anxiety. The ball was in my court and I was anticipating what was going to happen next. With the help of my sister,I was still considering comedy, confirming that I was not funny nor a slight bit humorous. I had no other choice, but to turn to Thriller. I knew what Google had told me, and I sat down scrolling and absorbing knowledge from the genre and finding began to watch some classic Thrillers and I am still working through them. I found out many intersing things. Thrillers crossover many genres, and even romances. The inner hopeless romantic is quaking.Thrillers can be divided into various sub-sections. However, the single greatest characteristic of a thriller is the obvious one. It "thrills" as one watches it. I found it fascinating the strong emotions that a thriller evoked on a individual. Thriller or suspense is a genre that can get an adrenaline response from me. The plots are scary, the characters are at great risk and the films are constructed in a manner that forces the viewer to uncover their eyes and watch. I always appreciated the genre, but ventured towards action, adventure, romance, chick flicks and comedy. The storylines are complex are not hard to follow. Often thrillers are about people would never experience so that is or can be exciting to watch. These usually include a plot that concerns itself with life-and-death issues. Thrillers, deal with the boundaries that human mind takes and the psychological effects that takes place. That what makes the genre more enticing. Thriller genre gives an unparalleled experience such as being able to experience danger without actually being in danger. The unknown is quite exciting. Ultimately, I chose a thriller because I wanted to get out of my comfort zone, and the suspense is killing me to seek the thrill of this genre. Thriller gives me the opportunity to look at the human psyche, and study different ways this genre can evoke these feeling unto individuals.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Week 17: My Film Opening Project

I will be working individually to create the beginning of a Suspense/ Thriller.

Week 16: Film Opening #2

Avengers (2012)

We first hear a non-diegetic voice that sounds very dark an lingering evil. We see an image of the Teseract that is lit a lighter blue in comparison to the the darkness that surrounds it. This may indicate the darkness that lurking beyond that the terseract attracts. Then, a panning shot to a mountain range where the sound of a helicopter, and dark music. Which gives a suspenseful tone to the scene of SHIELD that appears. SHIELD gives few glimmers of light in the darkness that surrounds it. SHIELD is very busy with various people buzzing through then the medium shot show two people talking and walking down the stairs in a dimly lit area, signifies secrets being kept in the dark. The leader of SHIELD is questioning a character about energy. Then the dark scene is interrupted by the "cube" epruting panning to different characters from a low shot and back to the exploding cube from a medium shot showing diegetic sound.

Week 16: Film Opening #1

Lion King (1994)

The Lion King starts of the film with the image of the a sunrise. This image is significant to the rise of the new heir Simba. We hear the Swahili language in the background as a non diegetic sound; establishing the setting in the savannahs of Africa. We then see various animals looking at the horizon and beginning to assemble towards the cliff where we see variety of long shots that are leading to our main characters which are elevated to separate them from other animals of kingdom. We see a variety of shots that show the different places of the animals and the order of thing that will be significant to the movies plot line. The non-dielegic sounds of the Circle of Life. 

Week 15: Flim PowerPoint

CCR: I Was There